Milton Minor Baseball Association
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Rep and Select Tryout Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in trying out for the Milton Mets for the upcoming season. This page is designed to help clarify questions families may have during the tryout process.  

When will the coaches be announced for the Rep and Select teams

All rep and select coaches will be approved and named no later than the first Tuesday following Labour Day. Coaches are always subject to change should a coach's player make a higher level Rep team, which could lead to changes in the head coach for the following season. 

When do tryouts typically start?

All rep and COBA select team tryouts will begin in early to mid-September with the only exceptions being our Elite Programs and our 22U team.

When are tryout dates and times?

Tryout dates will be posted before Labour Day Weekend. Please note that dates and times could change due to many factors including work or family responsibilities for our head coaches who are responsible for running their tryouts. Due to weather and other reasons the tryout process is fluid so there may be changes to your tryout times. It is your responsibility to check the Baseball Milton website for the most up to date information regarding diamond locations, dates and times.  

What is involved in the tryout registration?   

All players must register for the tryouts online in advance of the first scheduled tryout.  Online registration will close after the final tryout is complete. Any player who is not a resident of Milton requires a release from their current association in advance of the first tryout for that age group, and must be presented to the coach before the first tryout.

Is there a cost to attend tryouts? 

There will be a tryout fee for each player that must be paid online. Please check the website for the appropriate fees. Fees paid cover both the rep and select tryout process. 

What are players allowed to wear at tryouts?  

During tryouts, no players are permitted to wear Milton Mets or another associations rep or select game shirts/jerseys, warm up shirts, hats, or spirit wear. Only the coaches and assistant coaches may wear Mets gear on the field. Rep or Select baseball pants and helmets are exempt and may be worn. 

When should players arrive at the field?

Players are encouraged to arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to the first tryout to facilitate the sign-in process and be ready to take the field at the start time. 

Who will be on the field with the players?

Tier 1 Rep coaches are permitted to name no more than one (1) assistant coach prior to tryouts. This coach may assist in the evaluations that are taking place on the field. 
Lower tiers like the Tier 2 or Tier 3 teams cannot name their one (1) assistant coach until the completion of the tryouts one level higher. Head coaches and assistants from other age groups are permitted to help but there should be no additional parents on or around the field assisting with tryouts. 

What happens if my player does not make the tier 1 team?

All players not selected for the Tier 1 team will be eligible for the Tier 2, Tier 3 or Select team, where applicable in each division. Please note that not all divisions include multiple Tier (rep) teams. 

How will I know if my child is to come back for the next tryout?

All participants will receive a number at the first tryout. Following each tryout, those invited to proceed in the tryout process will see their number listed. If your number appears, you should come to the next scheduled tryout unless otherwise directed by the head coach. Final rosters will be posted. If your number does not appear on the list following the Rep tryouts, the player proceeds to the Select tryouts. If following the Select tryout process their number does not appear, the tryout process is over. 

If my child is coming up from house league, do they need to attend all tryouts?

Any player who played the prior season in COBA select or House League may choose to start their tryout at the Select level if they wish. This is not required but is an option available to the player.

Do all players need to be at all tryouts?

All players trying out for an age level must attend all tryouts until selected for that team or released to the lower team. There are no “invitation only” tryouts allowed. If a player is injured, sick or missing for another reason they should inform the head coach at that level as soon as possible.  

What do I do if my player is sick or injured and can’t make a tryout?

If a player is injured, sick or missing for another reason they should inform the head coach at that level as soon as possible.  

Can my player decline a spot if it is offered to them?

The Tier 1 coach has the first selection right to choose a player looking for a spot on a Baseball Milton rep team. Players may not decline a spot on the Tier 1 or Tier 2 team in order to play on the lower level team. A position offered must be accepted in order to play travel baseball unless the Tier 1 coach chooses to release that player to the lower team.

What level will my child play for in OBA’s?

Head coaches will have the ability to determine what level their team will play in the middle of their season. Tier 1 Teams may choose to play either AAA or AA for COBA playdowns. Tier 2 Teams will have the option of choosing to play at the AAA, AA or A level for their COBA playoffs. These requests are sent to COBA for approval. COBA and OBA have the final approval for team classification.

How many players are on a roster?

A coach has the ability to determine the total number of players they carry on the team.  Older teams will traditionally carry more players then younger teams due to other commitments. Traditionally, teams will carry 12 players at the younger levels, but can choose to carry more. 

Can a player from outside of Milton participate in tryouts?

Yes. A player from another association below the age of 14 requires a release or permission from their local association to participate in tryouts. That letter must be shown to the coach prior to the participant stepping onto the field.

Can my player be released to another centre or association?

Any Milton Mets player wishing to play in another centre must first secure a release from the Rep Director. Releases will not be given once a player has committed and signed a Milton Mets roster. Releases are not granted to any player below the 13U age group as COBA prefers to have local players playing in their local associations. 

No releases will be given until all Baseball Milton tryouts are complete. Exceptions may be granted by the executive of Baseball Milton. 

Can my child play up an age level from their peers?

Except in the case where a Milton Rep team is not hosted at their age group, Baseball Milton does not permit playing up above a player's birth year unless they get written permission from the Rep Director. Our goal is to provide teams at all ages, which can develop players for their own cohort.

Tryout Coordinator: Sean Merritt -
Rep/Select Director: Kevin Scott -